Why You Might Get a False-Negative Result on a Pregnancy Test

Have you taken a pregnancy test and received a false result? Maybe you’re not convinced and want to be sure of your results. We understand, and seeking clarity with a professional is a smart move. One of the reasons you could have received false-negative results on a pregnancy test is if you took it at

How Long Should I Wait Before Taking Another Pregnancy Test?

Are you worried about a potential pregnancy? Did you receive a negative pregnancy test result, but you still think you’re pregnant? To be sure of your pregnancy test results, take another pregnancy test about a week later. To better understand the testing process and test results, take a test with a medical professional. At Life

Is It Possible To Get a False Negative on a Pregnancy Test?

Are you confused after taking a home pregnancy test and receiving a negative test result? Maybe you’re experiencing pregnancy symptoms like a missed period, nausea, and fatigue. While home pregnancy tests claim to be 99% accurate, it is possible to get a false negative on a pregnancy test. In this blog, we share how you

Can I Trust Home Pregnancy Tests?

Home pregnancy tests are typically very reliable when done correctly. Pregnancy tests detect a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine or blood. The body begins producing hCG right after the fertilized egg implants into the uterus’s wall. A pregnancy test can take another 5-7 days to reveal a positive result. When Do I

What Are the Early Signs That I Should Take a Pregnancy Test?

Are you wondering when to take a pregnancy test? Did you miss a period, have weird food aversions, or experience fatigue? These are all common symptoms of pregnancy. Keep reading to learn about more early signs of pregnancy to watch out for. Early Pregnancy Symptoms Every woman experiences pregnancy a little bit differently, but here