Navigating your post-abortion experience can be challenging. Along with the rollercoaster of your own emotions, your close relationships may all be challenging to navigate after your pregnancy decision.

You may notice that your struggles with your post-abortion journey are affecting your relationships with your family, partner, and friends. That’s normal, and it’s important to communicate and be honest about your struggles with those close to you.

You must walk through the recovery journey yourself to see healing in your relationships. No matter how you are processing your abortion and relational challenges, many find it helpful to talk about their experience in a safe, non-judgmental environment. There is help, healing, and hope available without shame or judgment.

Challenges With Your Partner

Are you and your partner having challenges communicating about your abortion experience? Your partner may especially feel the aftermath of abortion, including grief, regret, and sadness. It’s important to remember that their feelings are just as valid and important as your own.

Finding the individual support you both need as you navigate your relationship challenges is important. It’s essential for your partner to find support after an abortion, and Life Choices Community Pregnancy Clinic is here to help you both.

Post-Abortion Support for Men

Men can reclaim their role as providers and protectors and resurrect hope in their lives after abortion. Choosing abortion can affect every aspect of a man’s identity: his self-worth, his integrity, his leadership, and his ability to engage relationally.

Our free and confidential post-abortion men’s program provides a road map to healing for men who are struggling with the emotional and spiritual fallout of abortion. It’s a first step in a journey out of survival and into hope, purpose, and fulfillment for life.

Free Support After Abortion

We are here to provide support and care after your abortion experience in individual or group settings, depending on what makes you feel most comfortable. Our post-abortion support is free and confidential, as your privacy is important to us.

If you want one-on-one support, you will meet confidentially with someone trained to support women and men affected by abortion and offer hope and compassion. You will meet people with similar stories and experiences if you choose a group setting. You can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable.

Schedule a free appointment today to talk more about finding post-abortion support today. You are not alone, and asking for help is one of the most courageous steps you can take.