Wondering how to support a friend, partner, or family member after an abortion? Your heart to help them shows how much you truly care.

Abortion has serious emotional and physical side effects and risks. It’s important to keep these in mind when navigating a post-abortion recovery journey with a loved one.

Watch for Their Cues

You know your loved one best already, and you may already know how they deal with pain and what their personality is like in challenging times. Some people are more distant, and some are more vocal than others.

It’s important to read their cues, lean in when you know they need support, and to give them space when they need some time alone. If they appreciate words of encouragement, don’t hold back.

If you haven’t heard from your loved one in a while and know they won’t ask you for help, call them or show up with their favorite snacks and meals or even get groceries. Action speaks louder than words sometimes.

Professional Post Abortion Support

If your loved one has been struggling to overcome the emotional trauma that comes with abortion, they are not alone.

The National Institutes of Health states that “abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion.” They share that “the abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems for at least some women.”

Trauma is a common side effect for women who have had an abortion. After such a traumatic situation, women may experience:

  • Denial
  • Shock
  • Strained relationships
  • Unpredictable emotions
  • Flashbacks
  • Physical symptoms (headaches, nausea)

Here for Women After Abortion

We offer post abortion support at Life Choices Community Pregnancy Clinic. We’re here to support women because we understand the factors that contributed to their abortion choice.

We care about women’s happiness, health, and well-being. Encourage your loved one to schedule a free and confidential appointment today.